Nick Stanitz-Harper Special Report: 2021 Denver Business Journal C-Suite Awards
September 22, 2021
Edison Interactive recently had the pleasure of celebrating CRO and Co-Founder Nick Stanitz-Harper’s Denver Business Journal C-Suite award at Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House in Downtown Denver. Honoring C-Suite level executives in Denver, it was inspiring to be in a room full of the city’s brightest minds and influential leaders.
Each winner shared either their advice for emerging leaders, the most effective tool in their pandemic toolbox or how their role has transformed over the course of the pandemic.
Nick shared that his most effective tool in his pandemic toolbox is strong relationships. “When you have meaningful relationships, look out for people and do the right thing, they will do the same for you. Good relationships are invaluable and you have to know how to lean on your network for advice and support during challenging times.”
Learn more about Nick’s advice for emerging leaders, how his role has transformed and what his next big move is in a feature with the Denver Business Journal here.
Congratulations again to Nick and all of this year’s winners!